Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Biological Explanation for gender stereotypes

Look in any socionics description, and the stereotype is that women are Feelers while men are Thinkers. For example, check this one out: "The main — and probably only — socionic difference between the sexes is that roughly 60% of men are logical types and 40% ethical, while roughly 60% of women are ethical types and 40% logical."

Here is the biological explanation (the link goes to page 2 of the article), with the relevant notes being:

  • "Notably, male brains contain about 6.5 times more gray matter -- sometimes called 'thinking matter" -- than women."
  • "Boys generally demonstrate superiority over female peers in areas of the brain involved in math and geometry."
  • "Female brains have more than 9.5 times as much white matter, the stuff that connects various parts of the brain, than male brains."
  • "Women are faster and more accurate at identifying emotions"
  • "Others believe brain variations between sexes are for the best. "Most of these differences are complementary. They increase the chances of males and females joining together. It helps the whole species," Gur says."

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