Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thoughts on Steve Jobs

It just struck me what an ENTp Steve Jobs was.

At first, I seriously doubted he was an ENTp due to his domineering management style and over-pickiness to details. Also comparing Steve Jobs with Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein, and Sean Parker...they just seemed really different.

Here, I think DCNH really helps explain why these ENTps behave so differently.

First, let's clear up Steve Job's type. He is clearly ENTp.
- his constant denial of Lisa being named after one of his child indicates Fi in the PoLR position, and/or Fe in the Hidden Agenda position.
- In all Steve Jobs interviews, he is relentlessly discussing his vision, which indicates Ne as a base function
- In the historic 2007 Jobs/Gates interview, a question about the future was posed. Steve brushed away that question with the reply "I don't know! And that's the exciting part -- I come into work everyday trying to see what these technologies become." This clearly indicates Ni as the Ignoring Function, as well as Ne in the base function (exploring possibilities instead of considering the step-by-step sequence to the future)

Now let's compare Jobs with Feynman. Feynman is the Creative-ENTp, while Jobs is the Dominant-ENTp. Feynman is constantly talking about his love for the scientific method, for discovering new laws. That's Ti being expressed. Jobs is constantly talking about his vision -- that's Ne being expressed. Hence, the Dominant subtype vs the Creative subtype.

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