Representatives of the Type
Albert Einstein, Mikhail Lomonosov, Galileo Galilei, Sigmund Freud, Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Charles Darwin, Ernest Rutherford, Dmitrii Mendeleev, Karl Marx, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Marie Skłodowska Curie, Sofya Kovalevskaya, Ausra Augustinavichiute, Franz Kafka, Mikhail Lermontov, H . A. Nekrasov, Mikhail Glinka, John Lennon, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Erast Garin, Alexander Abdulov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Tatiana Peltcer, Tatiana Drubich, Arkady Ukupnik, Andrei Makarevich, Boris Grebenshchikov, Valeria Novodvorskaya
Ego block
Extraverted intuition - “Intuition of Possibilities”
For Hitseeker, the study of any subject is first of all a study of the perspectives opening themselves before him. The ability of seeing new possibilities occurring in any sphere is his strongest and most characteristic trait.
Hitseeker is a dreamer and romantic, who captivates himself and others with his ideas. A lack of participation of others in his plans is painfully received by him. He is irritated by people that are incapable of and do not want to dream. Grounded “realists” that perceive his dreams to be empty and worthless risk finding in him an ardent and irreconcilable opponent.
For Hitseeker, thought and fantasy are two things that go together. While thinking, Hitseeker fantasizes; while fantasizing, he thinks.
Representatives of this type express phenomenal skill in many different spheres of intellectual creativity, generating ideas and proposing hypotheses, which leave behind the achievements of their era by several centuries.
Their contributions to the development of society’s intellectual activities cannot be overvalued. Prominent representatives of this type are rightfully considered to be founders of many scientific schools.
The opening of new horizons and new perspectives in all spheres of scientific, artistic, and socio-political activity is their greatest purpose.
Hitseeker’ skill to understand the very essence of things with incomprehensible quickness is amazing. Least of all, Hitseeker needs the thing being explained to be “laid out shelf-by-shelf.” He becomes extremely irritated, if he is assumed to be slow. Usually, he himself “controls the tempo” of the reception of new material: he suggests to his interlocutor that he has already understood everything that has been said and the presentation can be continued.
While comprehending the meaning of a new phenomenon, he is already thinking about its possible applications. During childhood schooling, representatives of this type often give off the impression of a thoughtless student in class. In fact, as a rule, the teacher least of all expects that the meaning of the new material has already been understood long ago; and that he is now simply independently thinking it over, disconnected from the irritating explanations, which were supposed to be for “slow idiots,” and that retard his creative thoughts, incomparably more important and interesting than the school teacher’s primitive examples.
Barely having opened new possibilities for himself, Hitseeker begins to activate those around him towards new and original projects. In fact, he himself actively participates in their designing, subsequently allowing others to realize them.
He does not like to stick with one and the same project, with one and the same idea, but it would be a mistake to consider him a person of erratic interests. Hitseeker loses interest in his project only in several cases: if he no longer sees any possibilities in its realization or the realization of this project is entering its final phase, and at this time a new, more promising idea appears on his path.
A quick changeover to new, more interesting projects is highly characteristic for Hitseeker. In his understanding, it is pointless to waste time on something, which has been almost thought through to its conclusion, while the horizons of new opportunities are constantly expanding, opening access to new ideas and theories.
Captivated by anything, Hitseeker is unable to not be distracted by another affair. Therefore, it is not enough to say that he prefers to do only what interests him—Hitseeker is unable to do that, which does not interest him. We can confidently assert that, for any representatives of this type, mandatory education of some required subject is a painful torture and outright abuse of his own self.
Intuition and inspiration are his genuine and meticulously guarded valuables. In any situation, Hitseeker defends his right to act as his intuition and inspiration suggest.
All possible instructions, directions, directives, and circular letters are definitely not for him. In his understanding, a work timetable is an abuse of his inspiration. Why should he have to generate his ideas at some predetermined hour?!
Captivated by his work, Hitseeker is able to show exceptional industry and miracles of efficiency, but in the period, when the idea has not yet ripened and is only being thought over, Hitseeker can make a completely mistaken impression of a person languishing from boredom. In reality, wherever he is and whomever he is talking to, whether he is asleep or awake, his thinking is able to catch any, even seemingly the most insignificant impulse, which could possibly interest Hitseeker, and in the future find a reflection in his ideas, theories, and projects.
Any new information can become a source of inexhaustible inspiration for Hitseeker. His intellectual creativity is a constant and uninterrupted process. If Hitseeker stops generating ideas for even a half hour or an hour, then he is either sick or exhausted. In either case, it is a very troubling symptom.
Hitseeker is always an audacious fantasy combined with a tireless and inquisitive mind. Bravely destroying all obsolete and non-viable systems, before his contemporaries he pushes the horizons of the future, considering it his duty today to think about the problems that will occur to mankind tomorrow.
In all their seeming fantasticality, the ideas, theories, and projects, in whose world Hitseeker lives and exists, to him personally give the image of being realistically implementable and in no case torn from actuality, because they are founded on realistic information and on the understanding of the real essence of things. By virtue of these reasons, many representatives of this type consider themselves true realists and categorically disagree with being called romantics and empty dreamers.
Hitseeker has a habit of generously gifting his ideas. And the more generously he gifts them, the more he generates them. And because Hitseeker understands better than anyone else that it is impossible to hold the ungraspable, he is more likely to agree to someone else working out and patenting his idea, than to allow his “offspring” to perish at the root, without developing into even a semi-serious project. Therefore, the best thing that a theorizing Hitseeker can wish for himself is to get the opportunity to head a scientific collective that works out wide-ranging and prospective projects.
As a rule, the ideas of Hitseeker are supposed to bring happiness to all of mankind or at least one part of it; it is therefore that Hitseeker appear to be naïve dreamers in the eyes of their contemporaries. History has proven the possibility of realization of practically all Hitseeker' ideas, and the allegation that not every theory has been successfully realized can be explained by both the miscalculations of Hitseeker, who are inclined to, as far as possible, ignore facts, which would be adverse to the popularization of the theory they are developing, as well as the miscalculations of the realizers of their theory, which frequently alter the Hitseeker’ theories to their own aims.
Hitseeker sphere of interests is extremely wide. In fact, his astounding erudition combines with an exceptionally deep understanding in many various, and not immediately related, spheres in an amazing way. Intellectually, Hitseeker lives very spaciously and satisfied. He takes from life the most interesting and wonderful things, and in return generously bestows her with the fruits of his creativity, of which there are enough for his contemporaries, with a surplus for his descendants.
Many representative of this type are endowed with a magnificent memory for numbers and historical dates. At any minute, they can recite and excerpt from some literary composition or scientific work with astounding accuracy. They can freely reproduce any encyclopedic data from memory (a “walking library”).
Hitseeker receives any new information, new methods, new approach, new possibilities with huge enthusiasm. By virtue of his optimism, he often supposes the suggested best outcome of the events. He often thinks about what should be or what could be, and not about what actually is. Reality enters its correction to his calculations, but, unfortunately, not always in time.
Hitseeker is endowed with an affinity to tear himself away from reality, because fantasy and inspiration can possess him at any time and any place. This also explains his absentmindedness, due to which he can forget not only where one thing or another is, but where he himself is. Hitseeker may not hear that someone is speaking to him, not see that there is someone right next to him. He can smile at his own thoughts, converse or argue with himself. He many forget to greet a person because, at that moment, he is not thinking about manners at all. (For Hitseeker, the society’s rules of conduct, just as any other set of rules, do not constitute an indisputable truth.)
He is able to pull off an extravagant prank. In fact, for him, extravagancy is not only a means of self-expression, but also an opportunity to attract attention to his ideas and theories.
He is attracted and interested by everyone who is able to make original ideas, who is capable of seeing the unusual in the ordinary and find hidden opportunities in places, where it seems as if nothing further could be invented. Everyone who is incapable of doing this is not worth much in his understanding.
He can quite accurately state the character, skills, and potential of those around him (unfortunately, not always in a tactful fashion).
He is able of accurately evaluating the intellectual potential of his interlocutor.
He is capable of and likes to develop his own skills. In fact, he takes this process very seriously. Any hindrance in this is perceived as an infringement on his rights.
He does not like to admit his own mistakes, therefore he always finds an explanation for his failures. Most often, he “writes them off” on others. This can be explained by the fact that, first of all, Hitseeker does not forgive himself for his own mistakes. He therefore tries to whitewash himself in the eyes of others, so as to not aggravate his suffering with their reproaches.
He is inclined to advertising himself (especially in his youth) and to overvaluing his own potential. But, in a circle of close friends, he can complain about bad luck and his personal unluckiness.
Under psychological discomfort, especially as a child or teen, Hitseeker departs from the realistic actuality to a sphere of completely made-up fantasies, where he attempts to creatively realize himself: he thinks up fantastical stories about himself and his friends, draws pictures that only he is able to understand, writes poetry. In a word, he contrives another life, which seems to exist on the flipside of reality. In this other life, everything occurs in the best possible way for him. Furthermore, it sometimes appears to be his main life. He sometimes remembers the occurrences and characters in his made-up life brighter than real occurrences. He prefers not to tell anyone about this otherworldly life, except maybe the people closest to him and those who understand him best; this is his deep, carefully guarded secret.
A sense of internal freedom and independence is very characteristic and inherent to Hitseeker. Therefore, his second, “unreal” life constitutes an extra living space in case reality becomes unbearable.
It is impossible to force Hitseeker to think “like everybody else,” impossible to push him into a framework of convention, and impossible to forbid him to freely express himself.
Whether others are comfortable around him or not, he is how he is. Everything else is the problem of those, who are psychologically incompatible with him.
Introverted logic - “Logic of relationships”
In order to adopt any system of values, Hitseeker needs to first logically understand it, to grasp it logically.
Hitseeker must have a clear, logical image of every phenomenon and “super-phenomenon.” In a bad case, he starts to be overcome with different superstitions. He will feel very bad until he can logically explain to himself those phenomenon.
Hitseeker prefers to arrive at everything with his own reason. For example, if during an exam, he does not know the proof for whatever theorem, then he may prove it again without any problems, in fact with his own method.
Hitseeker considers an ability to reason as the most valuable characteristic in both himself and others. He gives huge significance to intellectual creativity and the intellectual development of skills. If he is a teacher, he considers it his duty to, first of all, to cultivate in his students an ability to reason. In a bad case, he cannot imagine how he can explain something to them.
Hitseeker has a strongly developed associative thinking. In fact, the associations could be the most unexpected. During its intuitive flight, the thoughts of Hitseeker can carry away to the most distant, and in no way compatible with each other, spheres.
Arguments and debate are a type of intellectual entertainment for Hitseeker, an opportunity to deliberate, say his views, attract attention to his theory. Nobody knows how to involve someone in an argument or pull them into a discussion like Hitseeker. Here he has no equals.
He is magnificent at provoking an argument; it is enough for him to only deliberate aloud in a peopled place, and everything else will be taken care of by the extravagance of his deliberation, which rarely leaves anybody indifferent.
He does not always make it his aim to impose his own opinion no matter the cost (although, he will be very disappointed, if he does not succeed in this). He often joins an argument not only because the process of argumentation gives him pleasure, but also to acquaint “the masses” with his views and ideas.
He wins debates not only through erudition, but also through his ability to pose the most unexpected arguments. Here, too, he has no equals. Hitseeker's logic is so free, so active and flexible that Hitseeker can drive anyone into a dead-end with his counterarguments, regardless of the level of his own education or the authority and erudition of his opponent. He can prove anything that he wants to or that occurs to him to prove. He can easily compare things that nobody will think to compare. And why not? And who said that it cannot be compared? (Sometimes it is harder to argue with a Hitseeker, the less educated he is.)
With Hitseeker, new ideas emerge suddenly, at the most unexpected moment, in the process of any activity: during a meal, during a conversation, while listening to music, watching a movie—they emerge as the result of the activity of his subconscious. Hitseeker can generate ideas even in his sleep. In fact, they can also be worked out there as well. Sometimes upon waking, Hitseeker remembers the “starting data” he dreamed up and thinks: where did he get them from? By analogy with what did they occur? Hitseeker takes his “dream work” exceptionally seriously, as completely realistic projects.
Hitseeker can develop any, even the most unbelievable, idea into an accurately formulated and logically constructed theory. In fact, on the basis of the facts and assumptions he has, he already can see and figure out this theory’s hidden laws.
The result of Hitseeker's scientific activity is often expressed in the establishment of diverse logical structures and classifications. In fact, these structures are not static, but dynamic and flexible, and thus easily modified with the emergence of new factors and circumstances.
Super-ego block
Extraverted sensing - “Volitional Sensation”
A tendency to defend and protect his right to live in the way he wants is characteristic for Hitseeker. Constantly and ubiquitously demands the recognition of his rights to free intellectual creativity without any limitations. He should be as free as his thought and fantasy. Free of various conventions, obligations, commitments, complaints, from everything that interferes with his intellectual creativity.
In light of such settings, serious ethical and legal problems occur for Hitseeker. Not everybody around him understands that, while Hitseeker spends entire days lying on the couch and staring at the ceiling, great ideas ripen in his head, able of bringing happiness to all of mankind.
At the same time, Hitseeker cannot and does not consider it necessary to distract himself from his contemplation about his projects, in order to remember if he washed the dishes after himself, as others categorically demand of him. He is irritated by any demands by others, because they distract him from ingenious, exceptional, and unique ideas to address some everyday trifle. (It stands to reason that the smaller the demands and complaints, the more they irritate him.)
Hitseeker struggles for the right to rid himself from these irritations, to fence himself off from them, because he does not want to encounter any hindrances at all on his path to creativity. For example, his projects must be accepted in the way that he presents them, in fact, doubtlessly and unconditionally. Routine work connected with their description or design cannot be demanded of him, because it retards his thoughts and uselessly consumes his precious time.
Often contradictions occur between the heightened demands of Hitseeker towards others and the lessened demands he has for himself. For example, when evaluating a stranger’s work, he will not tolerate even the tiniest logical mistakes and inaccuracies, while at the same time he can consider any logical error permissible, asserting that it does not sufficiently influence the essence of his theory.
The same thing happens in the sphere of rights and obligations: he will categorically insist on his rights, not allowing himself even the smallest compromise. And with the same uncompromising manner, he will try to fence himself off from any commitments.
Problems constantly occur for Hitseeker in completing anything that was promised: when he makes a promise, he thinks only that he, naturally, can do it, i.e. that it is in his power, but he completely does not think that he will do it. Therefore, any demand to Hitseeker to fulfill his promises simply anger him: can anybody seriously suppose that he will distract himself from his interesting business for some nonsense, which he is personally not interested by?
An attempt to impose on Hitseeker some stable obligations will be received with exceptionally hostility. It will be perceived as someone’s evil intent: this means that somebody is bothered by his intimate desire to be free in his business, thoughts, and plans. This means that somebody wants to “rein him in,” somebody wants him to “haul water.” The question is: who? Who is he, this evildoer? The “evildoer” will be quickly found and war will be declared “until a victorious end.” Any person close to him can land into the ranks of “evildoers.” It can be his close relative, spouse, friend, boss, etc. It is useless to convince a Hitseeker that these demands are being made in his own interests and for his own comfort—why would anyone know his interests better than him?!
A Hitseeker that concentrates all his power and thoughts on a war with “windmills” is always a tragedy, always a sad and unpleasant phenomenon. An inexhaustible, rich fantasy; painstakingly gathered “facts;” a brilliantly constructed intrigue—all of this is directed towards “undermining from within” his former boss, giving his former mother-in-law a heart attack, depriving his former spouse of a dwelling…
Where are the ingenious projects that used to ripen in his head? Now, he will not bring happiness to mankind anytime soon…
A feeling of duty (necessity, obligation) is raised in Hitseeker through a logical understanding of acting in one way or another and through observation and logical analysis of the consequences of his actions. (Though, it is sometimes difficult for him to concentrate on such observations.)
On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine a Hitseeker that is constantly concentrated on not bringing other any discomfort and constantly distracting himself in order to check if he remembered to wash the dishes or if he forgot to turn the light off in the bathroom—such a Hitseeker, with time, begins to notice that ingenious ideas visit him more and more rarely. Furthermore, he notices that he is already not in the condition to concentrate on his intellectual creativity without thinking about the surrounding everyday trifles. Such a “conflicted” Hitseeker is already a different, although less problematic, but also not always appealing extremity.
The problems solve themselves when Hitseeker gets a partner that delicately and unimposingly distributes his rights and obligations. A partner that is able to smooth over conflicts with others, able to express his demands in a form thatseems convincing, valid, and not burdensome to Hitseeker. Hitseeker's dual (his ideally complementing partner) is exactly like this: the sensing-ethical introvert, labeled in socionics with the pseudonym “Alexander Dumas.”
The sensing-ethical introvert (“Dumas”) has the aspect of volitional sensation in the position of the observing function. Dumas observes very subtly, sensitively, and subconsciously how his partner perceives the demands presented to him, which obligations he willingly takes on himself and how he fulfills them. Dumas very tactfully, in his peculiar especially soft and delicate manner, regulates this aspect, simultaneously adapting to the demands of his partner and accustoming him to regard the opportunities of others.
Introverted ethics - “Ethics of Relationships”
Relationships with others do not come easy to Hitseeker; in fact, they do not come easy at any distance.
For example, his lessened demands for himself along with the heightened demands for others are often perceived by others as a blatant injustice.
His habit of heightening his own abilities and simultaneously scornfully speaking about the intellectual potential of other people also does not invoke particular sympathies.
Literally with every step, Hitseeker creates situations, in which everybody present becomes extremely uneasy regarding his behavior, not to mention the people closest to him, who often want to vanish into thin air from the embarrassment. For example, take this situation (described by A. S. Griboyedov in the comedy “Woe from Wit”): Hitseeker comes to meet the relatives of his fiancé. During a conversation, he expands the discussion to socio-political topics and, not concurring with the views of the majority of those present, he tells each of them the most unpleasant things. The fiancé and her relatives are shocked by both the situation itself and that they are being called “pathetic and puny people, unable to think.” In result, the betrothal is terminated, and Hitseeker deliberates about how many halfwits and bastards are around.
Such “uneasiness” of behavior that are characteristic for Hitseeker, such as presumptuousness; imposition; indelicacy, bordering on boorishness; total disregard for decency, all of these are trifles compared to the really serious problems that occur in the process of mutual relations at a closer distance.
And the first of them is that Hitseeker acknowledges freedom and independence only for himself, sometimes not leaving his partner even the right for their own opinion. In the case of a slightly more difficult ethical situation, he may right away make stiff conditions for his partner, sometimes even in the form of an ultimatum. For example, already in the beginning phases of acquaintance, Hitseeker may demand that his girlfriend sever relationships with all her admirers, because he wants to right away fence her off from various outside influences (and at the same time fence himself off from possible rivals).
The cause behind this is Hitseeker's logical approach to ethical issues, and also because he does not see at all the distance between him and a person, with which he intends to closely socialize. Barely having begun a relationship, Hitseeker already treats his partner as a part of himself—from which a “logical” conclusion is made that the partner already entirely and wholly belongs to him. Consequently, the partner has no remaining rights of choice and personal freedom, just as there can be no discrepancy between views, because now everything for the partner is decided, thought, and chosen by Hitseeker.
An outsider can still have some freedom of opinion. Hitseeker can fully permit this. But if it involves his partner, then everything is decided by Hitseeker univocally: a partner is already a part of him, and consequently must obey him in everything. (It is possible to become the “partner” of Hitseeker just 15 minutes after getting to know him and namely because he decided so.)
For Hitseeker, an ethical situation is more comfortable, the less premises it gives for the occurrence of ethical problems. Therefore, with his tendency to create unproblematic relationships (for himself), Hitseeker can stiffen his demands to his partner to an extreme level, control his connections, relationships, behavior, and the manner of thought.
However, everything written above happens, as a rule, in the case of psychological incompatibility with the partner (sometimes, however, it happens with the violation of dual equilibrium).
In cases of psychological discomfort, Hitseeker becomes irritated by everything, constantly experiencing (naturally, unfounded) enmity and mistrust towards his partner.
For Hitseeker irritation and enmity towards his partner can occur at the very starting phase of mutual relations. Nevertheless, Hitseeker will try to continue these relationships, develop them and even insist that they be legitimated. Acting in this manner, he supposes that with time he will be able to create terms, by which his partner will have to “remake” themselves and adapt to his views. In fact, namely matrimony presents such terms for him. Besides, because of problematic communicability, relationships are always difficult for Hitseeker and he knows this, accustoms himself to it, and considers such relationships to be normal.
Hitseeker likes to publicly dispute ethical topics, especially if there is a suitable (as it seems to him) reason for it. Sometimes he gives the impression that he adores attracting outsiders into discussing his personal problems.
Hitseeker really quite often “squares up” with his closest entourage (his wife, brother, mother, mother-in-law, and other relatives) at a public and altogether unsuitable place: on public transport, while visiting others, at the theater, in an institute, in the presence of outsiders or even common acquaintances, which only aggravates the uneasiness of the situation. In fact, the “guilty one” must not only go crimson from the frankly boorish behavior of Hitseeker not only listen to his insults, which are often unjustified and going far beyond the limits of decency, but also excruciatingly suffer from shame before others due to the uneasiness of the situation itself and his implication with this man. In such minutes, Hitseeker may be monstrously cruel: the situation is intuitively planned by him in such a manner that it is impossible to easily exit. While there is an audience around, this “public execution” will continue. (It should not be thought, however, that Hitseeker conducts this “tough squaring up” only in the presence of outsiders; they are possible in any atmosphere, but in every instance Hitseeker will foresee an opportunity at the moment when his partner will be especially defenseless and vulnerable.
When the behavior of Hitseeker goes beyond the limits permitted by the norms of communication, it is altogether impossible to call him to order, because this leads to the absolutely contrary result. Namely because Hitseeker does not want to recognize any “norms of communication” as a matter of principle, he uses every instance to destroy these norms. Hence, the more Hitseeker behavior is criticized, the more uneasiness he experiences, and the more he begins to protest against the ethical demands required of him, which aggravates the situation even more. Having received a remark about his indelicacy, he will start to frankly be rude, rudeness will transition to boorishness. The next stages are frank cynicism and hooliganism. In fact, it is possible to redirect his reaction only by ceasing to condemn his actions in time and finding a means of calming him. And only a psychologically compatible partner can do this.
As a rule, the only one that can succeed in this task is his dual, Dumas, who can very subtly sense the condition of his interlocutor, and who can pick up on and regulate the alterations in his mood in time. Besides this, Dumas’s companyalways affects Hitseeker in a calming and relaxing way—the condition peculiar to every person communicating with a dual. Diplomatic and suave, Dumas renders Hitseeker an invaluable service not only by softening his behavior, but also by softening his relationships with others.
Super-id block
5. Introverted sensing
The need to worry about his own comfort irritates Hitseeker since this prevents him from thinking and working, and distracts him from other more important concerns. Therefore Hitseeker tries to organize relations with his partner so that the question of his comfort will be solved without his participation.
In private life he is unpretentious. When his way of life is organized by his own effort, Hitseeker reduces his needs to the minimum. He eats somewhere on the side - frequently with friends and family. Order in the house is only preferred to disorder it actually prevents him from working. He dislikes going shopping: he often forgets what he wanted to buy, he has trouble determining the quality of goods, he doesn't like waiting in queues.
He is conservative in his tastes. He prefers to eat that which is familiar, and that which takes the least time to prepare. It can feed in motion, to vsukhomyatku. For example, without being torn off from the work, it can eat the bread, greased by mustard. He prepares food for himself rarely. Sometimes, suddenly, he can be overcome by a desire to eat a particular dish he remembers from his childhood.
To the new gustatory senses it relates distrustful. It frequently entrusts to the taste only of those people, which cause in it sympathy, also, with which in it good relations. Equally, as he is suggested by the councils only of those people, which cause in it the respect, to which it properly entrusts and which "loves". He frequently imitates such people in their habits, in their manners of behavior, in their tastes. It can dress in the "papinom style", insist so that for it would be prepared the food "on the maminomu" prescription.
Partner, who causes antipathy in Hitseeker never will be able to please to his tastes, no matter how he tried. Moreover references to the "authoritative source" will only irritate Hitseeker Very authoritative source - this of men, to which it relates well.
Hitseeker must constantly feel, which to his partner provides pleasure after it to care. Only in this case it properly weakens. And vice versa, any hint to the fact that about it they worry from a feeling of debt, and that this it, in turn, it forces to much, he is received by Hitseeker exceptionally painfully, since subconsiously it is disposed to sensoriku and ethics of Dumas, for whom to give pleasure - the same happiness as to obtain it.
The aspect of sensoriki of sensations in Hitseeker is most intimately connected with the aspect of the ethics of relations. Therefore for the complete happiness to it is required partner, not only allotted from nature by splendid taste, but also capable of expressing his good relation in that form, which will seem Hitseeker by convincing. And this is possible only in sluchav with its dualom Dyumo, whose aspect of sensoriki of sensations is program, and the aspect of the ethics of relations - demonstrative. (Dumas exceptionally accordion it is color, odor, sonic, and its opinion voices, as a rule, in the delicate and benevolent manner. Any other form of the supply to information on this aspect of Don does not convince; therefore of any other "sensorik" to its training it is gustatory it will not influence in the manner that this will make the Dumases)
In the region skill and the aesthetics Hitseeker frequently in a most interesting manner appears precisely from the "supply" to the Dumases - as his student or follower, and, direct contact with dualom here even is not always compulsory. As, for example, the creation of Mikhail Ivanovich glinkya (Hitseeker) affected the influence of music Dzhoakkino Rossini (Dyum).
Hitseeker strives for the perception of pleasant sensations (since in the final analysis it is oriented to the accordion of the sensations, which correspond to the sensory program of its duala of the Dumases). Skill, in the opinion of Hitseeker must provide pleasure. And it actually provides pleasure, moreover not only to it very, but also to its spectators.
Innovative approach, originality of the general idea, variety of the interestingly developed themes - here are those basic qualities, by which is characterized the artistic creation of representatives of this type.
6. Extraverted ethics
Hitseeker mood in many respects depends on the sensations, which it experiences. For example, a feeling of hunger makes with its not simply irritable - aggressive. Hitseeker is very sensitive to the discomfort. The unpleasant, penetrating view of collocutor or the imperious intonations of his voice can influence his mood. Unceremonious behavior, just as any manifestation of disrespect cause in Hitseeker the assaults of sudden irritation.
Hitseeker does not love and does not know how openly to speak about his emotions. Usually he expresses them indirectly, speaking about its motives. For example, being irritated, Hitseeker can say to the partner: "I will fling out you into the window!" - but this does not completely mean that it precisely so will enter. And this even does not indicate extreme hatred - this altogether only the irritation, usually caused by some discomfort.
Hitseeker frequently expresses his sympathies in the form of any positive information. For example, he will not say to the girl: "you me please yourselves". (if it something similar from itself it presses, this it will be frank falsity.) No, usually Hitseeker will give this information by hint - he reports to girl that it described about it to its parents and now it was invited to them in guests. The proposal of hand and heart also makes in the form of hint. "in the month I will return from the mission and we with you will be able tax statement".
Openly to acknowledge in his feelings Hitseeker not can as, however, and any logician, because for it this too mysterious a phenomenon, whose nature it cannot to the end realize and explain. Furthermore, for it this is too intimate a moment. Therefore it will experience awkwardness and irritation, if we force it about this to speak. (Hitseeker it does not consider it necessary about this to speak still and because it is subconsiously oriented to the very flexible and sensitive ethics of the emotions of its duala of the Dumases, capable of grasping any nuances of feelings and moods of its partner)
The sensation of psychological (or sensory) discomfort always affects Hitseeker nastroyenni. For a long time to be in the depressed state it not can; therefore sometimes itself provokes scandal, gives output to its irritation, but at the same time and it attempts anything to change under the conditions of the situation intolerable for it.
Hitseeker very heavily survives the offence substituted to it, ethical awkwardness or situation of the crisis of relations. In this case he can stormily issue his negative emotions on those surrounding, discussing the sore theme with whom conveniently, even with the completely outside people. It can be occupied by self-criticism or "ethical samobichevaniyem":
to tell about some its improper behavior, to acknowledge in the conjugal treasons, into which its "insidious" plans and mean intentions. In it begin the assaults of repentance and completely not controlled revelations - some agonizing, ethical self-purification. (its kind "ethical vomiting", release from some emotional and the ethical "slags".) Being located in this state, Hitseeker can produce the impression of man of that not restrained, not balanced, quick tempered, aggressive, severe, scandalous, but one ought not to forget that all this is only the consequence of the psychological discomfort experienced by it, this altogether only pained reaction to some specific stimuli, whose nature can be revealed and understood and which can be removed. (which, strictly, and makes its dual of the Dumases: in the period of emotional crisis it surrounds by its especially thorough concern, trying not to allow to it any stimuli. But also he tries to ignore its unhealthy "revelations" and that unpleasant information, which they in themselves bear.)
Situation radically changes, when Hitseeker falls into the situation of sincere cordiality and benevolence. When pleasant sensations in it are combined with the positive emotions. Its this situation greatly activates: he feels, that to it it is actually glad, that it is interesting, obayatelen and attractive. In it immediately appear the confidence in itself, ease and freedom in the manners and in the contact. Its behavior becomes flattened, free and natural. It produces to those surrounding favorable impression. It appears as the most interesting and ingenious collocutor. In such minutes he feels special emotional lift, is experienced special arrangement to the man, in it the desire to make something good for this person appears.
Hitseeker experiences this state only under the conditions of contact with the psychologically compatible partner. Because of the ability of the Dumases thinly to feel and to regulate the emotional state of his partner, Hitseeker of sincere heat, cosiness, rest, sincere interest in itself and of cordiality - all this it is necessary to Hitseeker in order to feel itself calm both happy and precisely this it experiences, associating with its dualom of the Dumases.
Id block
7. Introverted intuition
Hitseeker time completely belongs to his creative work. Therefore it is irritated, when someone manages its time as its.
Hitseeker knows how to see the possibilities, which the time allows to it, moreover not only for itself, but also for others, in particular for its duala of the Dumases. Itself sees (and it always prompts to partner), how long there is at its disposal for the accomplishment of one or other objective or another.
Hitseeker prefers to construct the distant plans, corrected by time and circumstances. It does not love to plan anything within the compressed periods, since it does not love hurry, and it is occupied by any work until its inspiration runs low. Hitseeker not can to distribute the number of work in the time, this too troubles it.
Personal time is received by it as the variable quantity: the minutes of expectation are pulled to infinity, the time of interesting occupations flies unnoticeably.
The expenditure of strange time into the calculation by it usually does not enter. Has habit to be late, although it can with an accuracy to minute design the time, necessary for the road. Usually in these calculations is included time to the "permissible delay".
With the regret notes the missed for itself time and the unrealized possibilities. It is always ready to begin everything first, without considering the age and the objective circumstances.
It does not love to sum up the sums, since it always considers that it could be achieved large results, if not some "objective reasons", which influenced its successes and business activity.
It is obliged by many its failures to the internal state of apathy, weak will, energy decrease, which periodically covers it. To it more easily to influence the unfavorable external circumstances how anything to change in itself.
Always in the course of the events of social and political value. To foresee the motion of history knows how as no one another.
In its forecasts, as a rule, it does not make mistakes. The decisive political events it can predict with an accuracy to half a year.
From the enormous quantity of information it knows how to select and to memorize the facts, which radically influence further development of history.
It always observes historical changes in it the region interesting. The region of historical observations and forecasts in Hitseeker is connected precisely with the region of his business and professional interests. For example, if he is athlete, then always it can with the accuracy say, who on what competitions won also with what result, if this is economist or financier, then remembers the motion of the course of volutes in the leading countries in the last 100 - 200 years.
8. Extraverted logic
Hitseeker greatly loves to advise apropos of that how it is necessary to carry out one or other work or another. And this circumstance frequently brings it, since each time, when it in the words appears by specialist in any matter, his knowledge produce on those surrounding this indelible impression that not in whom appears the shadows of doubt about the fact that precisely it will be its best executor.
But in that and Hitseeker misfortune, that wonderfully visualizing, as in principle is done one or other work or another, it frequently has about it not the least practical concept, in other words, "it undertakes soldering iron not from that end" how greatly it disappoints its employers, who do not know already whom and to invite and begin to think after this "specialist" that the proposed by them work (as of this it attempts to convince them Hitseeker in principle it is impracticable.
Hitseeker does not love to be set in operation in its completing stage - this means to be simple executor within the framework of strange project, and it and its- that projects to the end to study does not love.
But it occurs and so that "after being entered" into the strange project, Hitseeker immediately begins to oshchushchat' with its "his", and then in it appears the insurmountable desire to change entire previous work at its own discretion, and it in a most decisive manner on this insists. Sometimes even it can place the ultimatum: it threatens to turn from participation to work, if its requirement not is executed. But if as a result of its this behavior actually they remove from the work, there is deeply obizhen and neskazanno it is disappointed. This version of the course of events it is inclined to assume least of all.
For Hitseeker it is necessary to frequently change the places of work, and not always at will. To it it is to be subordinated difficult to the requirements of management, and if they do not coincide with its own opinion, it is not subordinated by them generally. Sometimes he tries to use any possibility in order to carry out work employing its procedure and thus to prove its rightness.
Hitseeker with the low professional level is frequently inclined to ignore the factor of professional discipline, which is especially unpleasant, when the work of its colleagues depends on its activity. For example, if similar Hitseeker works in the theatrical or musical association, he sometimes makes possible for himself or to be late on the rehearsal or generally on them to not come. It can at every turn argue with the director and tie to it its version of the stage solution. Its "stage version" can demonstrate in the most unexpected manner directly during the appearance. It can directly on the scene allow itself any extravagant trick to the detriment of other actors. Hitseeker who selects for himself performer career, but in this case being rejected to be "executor", always creates problems both for himself and for his colleagues.
But in the conditions of firm discipline and officialism Hitseeker actually to work is not capable. Such conditions he tries immediately "to break", to change, to somehow adapt to the convenient for himself regime. That work, which it too troubles, as a rule, it does not value. To the work, which does not realize entire its creative potential, frequently loses interest, hardly after having time to enter into the policy of the matter.
It does not love to scrupulously check the results of its work. Details does not love to study. It does not transfer routine. For a while can carry out simple physical work, but its thoughts at this moment will find completely in other measurement which without fail will affect the results of the matter.
And nevertheless Hitseeker sufficiently highly evaluates and he widely advertises its business qualities. It knows how to inquire that price, which seems it worthy for its work. (it inquires usually considerably more than to it they propose - taking into account the fact that for it it is necessary to be bargained; and it agrees with the price proposed, only being absolutely confident in the low solvency of its customer)
It loves to demonstrate its practicalness. It is proud of the skill to economically expend its means. It attempts to convince surrounding which can comfortably exist to the most modest incomes. If properly it is impossible to earn, it passes to the regime of the strictest savings. To earn its inability frequently disguises by the unwillingness to strive for money, since it personally can be satisfied by small. (to the "bread with the mustard" to it it usually is sufficient.) It loves to demonstratively -prudent plan its personal expenditures. It loves to train for savings. If in the members of its family this is not obtained, begins to conduct budget itself, showing an example of that how it is necessary to make this: it begins to investigate all domestic trifles, to recheck all articles of expenditures and incomes. In a word, it will not be quieted, until it proves that entire economy was conducted too wastefully.
Situation changes, when the partner of Hitseeker becomes his dual of the Dumases. In this case in Hitseeker the desire to earn at long last appears and it begins to value the place of its work. In the critical situation Hitseeker can also for the Dumases introduce the regime of the strictest savings, but this there will be actually temporary phenomenon, while with another, psychologically incompatible partner, this measure it will be constant and the only possible.
Only for the Dumases Hitseeker is capable to make above himself the necessary effort in order to combine its creative interests with the practical requirements of its family.
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