Hello everybody,
Been a long time since I posted something. There's something that absolutely ticks me off. It's that people just type people completely wrong. They use completely the wrong methods, wrong methodology, wrong thinking.
For instance, there seems to be this raging debate about John Lennon being INFp or ENFp. Oh my gawd. Is this real? John Lennon was neither INFp or ENFp. Why do people think those types? Because they look at his songs and go: "Wow, that's so hippie. Only a hippie would say those things. And the only types that could be hippies are INFp or ENFp." Like Lennon's Imagine song, which presents this naive vision of the world where there are no possessions, fights, religions, bla bla bla. Wrong! Wrong wrong wrong! That's not how you type people. What you're missing is a well-known phenomena of people -- people often present a fake side that's not "really" them. They present this "fake side" to the outside world, or to people they don't know well. What you *really* want is the "real side" -- you find this only after getting to know them. After being close friends with them...............or....simply reading the things about people who knew John Lennon well.
Anyway, once you take into account the phenomena of "real side" and "fake side", you can immediately start to ignore all of John Lennon's songs when trying to analyze Lennon's real personality. Peoiple just don't always try to be themselves, particularly when they are in the world's spotlight like that.
One more thing -- I read this incredibly stupid remark: "I'm an ENFp, and watching his videos, I think, wow, he's a lot like me". Wrong!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!! This pisses me off so much. Do you have any idea how easy it is to confuse types? Types look *so* similar. Just noticing, "oh wow we're similar" is *not* enough. Start thinking for *real*, please.
I once mistook an INFp for ISFp. Do you have any idea how close these types look, at least on the surface? Wasted a year of my life thinking I had Duality on my hands. Nope! It was just a Mirage, which is a common phenomenon, actually. Common to think that you have Duality, when it's just Mirage. That's why they're called Mirage relationships. Wow! Hasn't socionics really nailed some categories?
Going back to the John Lennon discussion -- ENTps are similar to ENFps, ESTps, and ENTjs. Just go read their descriptions. Oh, the ENFp who thought John Lennon was similar to him -- *by the way*, did you know that ENFps and ENTps are widely known to be similar? Yeah.......so your reasoning is not enough to tell that he's ENFp. You know he's similar to ENFp. Great. But go further.
Going back to the "people are fake on the outside" thought -- did you know John Lennon was fairly hypocritical about many of his songs? Like when a friend visited him and noticed Lennon was so rich. The friend said, "Imagine no possessions....", which is a line from the Imagine song. Lennon: "It's just a bloody song". Many more instances of such hypocrisy. Not going to list them out right now, since I'd like to actually get to the part about typing Lennon, ha!
Ok. What type is Lennon? Well, right off the bat, we can immediately tell he's not INFp. The most telling sign is that Lennon easily got into so many fights, said so many controversial things, and was just so emotionally detached from his own son. That is just....such a non-INFp thing to do. I fell in love with an INFp for a while -- I *know* this. I *know* that INFps don't get into fights. Arguing is like death to them. Man. When there was an argument, you should've seen this INFp's face -- she just cringed with pain. She just wanted to get out of there. It just looked like she was in so much pain. She tries to resolve the argument. Tries to delay the argument. "Let's go do something else!". Nope.......Lennon is *not* an INFp.
We can tell that Lennon dominant function is Ne -- another way of putting it is that he's ENFp or ENTp. So our ENFp earlier who remarked "he's similar to me" -- well, at least you got one thing right. .......................................................I just left this blog post for 20 minutes and now I feel bored....so I'll just write down some cursory thoughts.
Lennon is dominant Ne -- you can tell from his ex-wife Cynthia's comments that Lennon was constantly searching for something new. Check out her comments during the release of her book "John". Also, Paul McCartney said that the Beatles were a band that got bored easily, thanks to John Lennon.
OK, so choose between ENFp or ENTp. Well, hehe, I happen to know a bunch of ENFps as well. Fell in love with one. And John Lennon is not ENFp. Mostly because of his style of attack. ENFps attack by turning all your friends against you. That's not what John Lennon did. Against Cynthia for instance. He sued her. He hired a private detective. etc. etc.
Also the fact that John Lennon was incredibly emotionally detached. One good example being his own son Julian Lennon. Paul McCartney was closer to Julian than John Lennon. Man.
Ok that does it for me. I'm bored. Time to do something else.
By the way, people mistype Alexander the Great as ESTp. What a joke. He was also ENTp. There's 1 telling sign that immediately DQs him as ESTp. But that's a blog post for another day. See ya.
EDIT: I just read this comment from McCarney about Lennon: "His bluff was all on the surface."
I don't think "fear of confrontation" is a good indicator of INFp. That part seems more Enneagram-oriented than anything.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I agree with most of your post (reserving commentary on John Lennon). The whole "they are so much like me" can be attributed to many factors, however if someone regularly relates to celebrities of a "given type" during a real interview, that DOES indicate something. The "what" is more mysterious.
John Lennon was ENTj...